Player Development in Our Program
Off Season
Weight Room
To prepare our student athletes mentally and psychically to preform at their highest level
The Strength Program will be the strength of our program
Athletic Weights on our schedule​
Our Student Athletes will learn to overcome adversity in the weight room
We will train the mind as much as the body
Weight Room Culture
Club Goals
Personal Achievement
Competitive Environment
Team Achievement
Program Development in the Off Season
Summer Workouts
During the Summer of 2022, I observed Coach Vanderbush lead the Giants Summer Conditioning Program.
The ultimate Summer Workout Program that blends high level conditioning for our players with team building moments for our program.
We will continue our Co-Captains Summer Workout Program
- Prepares Our Program for the upcoming football season through 10 high-level conditioning workouts
- Develops leadership skill for Our Players
- Provides Our Program with team building moments
- Power of Mindset​
- Creating Optimal Performance Zone​
- Positive Self Talk
- Interrupting Negative Spirals
- The Effect of Body Langue
Off Season
Morning Workouts
Open the doors to Our Program and Our Players will be there and ready to workout
Championship Friday
Team Building Competitions​
Relationship building for
Scheduled - Position Group Specific ​
Skill development for Our Players
Provides relationship moments for our coaches
Football Teaches a Great Work Ethic
"The dictionary is the only place that success comes before work. Hard work is the price we must pay for success. I think you can accomplish anything if you're willing to pay the price.”
- Vince Lombardi