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Player Development in Our Program

Off Season

Weight Room


To prepare our student athletes mentally and psychically to preform at their highest level 


  • The Strength Program will be the strength of our program

    • Athletic Weights on our schedule​

    • Our Student Athletes will learn to overcome adversity in the weight room

    • We will train the mind as much as the body


  • Weight Room Culture

    • Club Goals

    • Personal Achievement

    • Competitive Environment

    • Team Achievement 


Program Development in the Off Season

Summer Workouts



During the Summer of 2022, I observed Coach Vanderbush lead the Giants Summer Conditioning Program.

The ultimate Summer Workout Program that blends high level conditioning for our players with team building moments for our program.


  • We will continue our Co-Captains Summer Workout Program

    • Prepares Our Program for the upcoming football season through 10 high-level conditioning workouts 
    • Develops leadership skill for Our Players
    • Provides Our Program with team building moments
  • Power of Mindset​
    • Creating Optimal Performance Zone​
    • Positive Self Talk
    • Interrupting Negative Spirals
    • The Effect of Body Langue

Off Season

Morning Workouts


Open the doors to Our Program and Our Players will be there and ready to workout


  • Championship Friday

    • Team Building Competitions​

    • Relationship building for 


  • Scheduled - Position Group Specific ​

    • Skill development for Our Players

    • Provides relationship moments for our coaches

Football Teaches a Great Work Ethic

"The dictionary is the only place that success comes before work. Hard work is the price we must pay for success. I think you can accomplish anything if you're willing to pay the price.”

- Vince Lombardi

Sustained State Championship Success

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