Vision for Our Community
To build authentic relationships within our community.
Develop leadership with our student athletes by serving our community .
To build authentic relationships with the players and compete for multiple state championships by concentrating on building character and being process driven.
Our Program Objectives
Youth and Middle School Camp
To develop relationships between our community and our program.
Our camps will provide our players with
​Opportunities to lead
Positive exposure with members of our community
Our camps will be
​Be a family fun environment
Create a positive experience with our program and our community
Social Media
To develop engagement between our community and our student athletes.
To develop excitement within the community of our football program.
Use Social Media to provide transparency with community
​In the off season, daily posts of our players or program
Build an image that our community is proud to connect with
Give our players exposure to our community
Leadership Through Philanthropy
To develop leaders in our student athletes by serving our community.
Student-Athlete Lead Philanthropy Events
​Opportunities to read with our elementary schools
Opportunities to visit with our middle school players
Opportunities to lead with our youth camps
Connect our students athletes with rich history of former football players in Our Program
Keep the gates opened to our practice fields and our doors opened to our weight room
Connect our current players with past players​
December 10th of 2021
"We believe Indianapolis, Indiana and the country needs unification, not separation. The MIC is built on understanding our differences and learning from each other. Our goals, as outlined by the founders of the MIC, are that the conference:
1) provides an environment in which sportsmanship is valued and displayed.
2) recognizes student achievement in a variety of endeavors.
3) raises the level of expectations and competition;
4) provides opportunities for the exchange of ideas, programs and people.
Should we find other schools who share our vision and will affirm these goals, we will entertain expansion."
-Principals of the MIC Conference